Collecting COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

Castleton Church Records

What is this project for? 

Vermont gained national and global recognition for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. This project will capture, preserve, and bring to the public the stories of Vermonters during the public health crisis, particularly those who worked on the front lines and shaped its response. Over the next three years, VHS will collect oral histories from Vermonters who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic, including multiple perspectives and viewpoints, and will share those stories in a published book and through a dedicated podcast. 

How was this project funded? 

This project was made possible in part by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services [Grant Number MA-251676-OMS-22].

Where can I listen to the oral histories?

We are currently in the process of processing and uploading the interviews for public consumption. Please check back soon. 

What is the book?

This project has collected more than 100 oral histories from Vermonters who experienced the pandemic. Those oral histories are being collected into a book-length narrative, which is titled Life Became Very Blurry: An Oral History of COVID-19 in Vermont. It's edited by noted bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize finalist Garrett Graff. You can find more details about it here

What is the podcast? 

In addition to the book, Life Became Very Blurry: An Oral History of COVID-19 in Vermont, VHS will produce a podcast based on the oral histories we collected. Come back soon for more details. 

Are you currently collecting interviews? 

As of now, we are no longer collecting interviews for this project. 

Who was interviewed for this project? 

A full list and directory of the oral histories is being compiled. Please check back for more details. 

How do you choose who to interview?

We have an Advisory Committee composed of Vermonters with broad perspectives across the state who review all suggestions together and forward names on to be interviewed.

The project aims to complete interviews across a wide spectrum of experiences, with diverse backgrounds, geographic locations, life situations, and more. 

Who is involved in this project?

You can see a list of the project's personnel here

How will you use the interviews?

At the completion of the project, all the interviews will be available through an online archive. They will also be part of the Vermont Historical Society’s permanent collection, to be used by future generations of researchers as they try to understand this historic event.

In the immediate future, we will create a book and podcast using the interviews, that will appear at the end of 2024.

How can I donate objects or papers about COVID to the Vermont Historical Society?

We’d love to hear from you about items related to your COVID experience that you would like to donate. Please reach out to the appropriate point person first:

How long will the project last?

The project is funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services from September 2022 – March 2025. 

Where can I see the items that have been donated to VHS for this project? 

You can check out the online, crowdsourced archive here

I'm a member of the press who wants to interview someone at VHS about the project.

Contact to set up an interview. 

I have a question about this project that isn't included in this FAQ. 

Contact VHS at

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